AGCS sanctuary

ACGS is a sanctuary where old, sick and injured animals are brought to be healed and where they can look forward to spending the rest of their lives in a caring environment.

It is situated on a picturesque green area in a rural setting in Haryana, on the outskirts of Delhi about an hour’s drive from south Delhi.  It is easily approachable by road. It is indicated on Google maps.

ACGS is built on two and a half acres. Recently, we acquired two more acres close by where we hope to place more large animals.

The Clinic
  • The clinic is equipped with two operating theatres for small animals (dogs and cats) and complete medical care infrastructure.
  • Every animal that comes to ACGS first goes through a complete medical   routine checkup.
  • The clinic is equipped to handle emergency first aid like saline drips, wound suturing, dressing and bandaging, skin care, injections, maggot treatment, minor orthopedic care, blood transfusions,  amputations, minor surgeries, spay/neuter etc.
  • The entire medical/clinical project is under the supervision of Dr. Devi, a senior veterinarian. The clinical team consists of an experienced team of senior and junior para-vets, compounders and helpers.

Wishlist for the Clinic

  • operation theatre for large animals
  • Mobile xray and ultra sound machine
  • Ambulance with hydraulic lift for large animals
  • Gas anesthesia system
Care for Resident Animals
  • Regular deworming every 3 months for canines, felines and large animals
  • Monthly de-ticking and de-lousing. Tick medicines.
  • Routine treatment for various medical issues

Wishlist for Animal Care

  • Winter gunny-bag beddings
Food & Nutrition

ACGS’s main focus is on quality care and nutrition. Each animal should eat what they normally eat in plentiful quantities. We believe that these animals who come to us starving and malnourished should pick up health through good food which also includes vitamin and mineral supplements. With the good food we provide our resident animals are healthy and energetic.

What Our Animals Eat

  • Large animals- (horses, goats, cows, buffaloes, donkeys, mules)– fodder, hay, chickpeas, jaggery, khalli, vegetables , millets, fruits, salt licks, wheat bread (chappatis).
  • Dogs – rice, meat, vegetables, milk, eggs, chappatis, bread and biscuits.
  • Emus – millets, greens like spinach, apples.
  • Ducks/hens/pigeons/turkeys/peacocks/geese – millets, sprouts & greens
  • Cats – dry food, meat & rice, fresh fish
  • Rabbits – millets, sprouts, greens, vegetables & fruits.

Supplements – calcium, protein and vitamins as and when required

Wishlist for Animal Care

  • Winter gunny-bag beddings
Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme

Resident Programme

ACGS follows a very strict and rigorous ABC programme on its campus to ensure that no offsprings are born to any animal within the campus. Dogs and cats are spay-neutered and large animals are castrated.

Rural Programme

ACGS is situated right in the middle of a completely rural area where people never sterilized their animals. Puppies and grown dogs were running around everywhere, malnourished, diseased and dying of accidents. ACGS decided to spread its own ABC programme to include the village dogs, by adopting one village at a time. We neutered and spayed # number of dogs over a period of # months/years.

The project had picked up well and the villagers were happy. But it was eating into our limited resources and we had to discontinue. The villagers are asking us to restart the programme, but we do not have the funds to continue much as we would like to.

Wishlist for the Rural ABC Programme

  • Custom-designed animal dog catching van
  • Dog catching equipment and cages
  • Medicines, vaccinations, food for one week, vet salary.